Friday, September 17, 2004

Love Hurts!

So I was browsing online and I came across an interesting film. You know the type, kinds peaks your interest but not sure if you will like it. Well I think this ones a keeper. I enjoy Nalalie Portman (other than Starwars) and if you dont like Clive Owen, well then dont watch this film or any of the other briliant titles he has been in. Really, he's an fantastic actor (other than Arther).

The name of the film is Closer, distributed by Sony (Colombia Tristar). I think this film will captivate anyone who has been in one of those relationships where it is magical, amazing captivating and seems to take control of every essence of your being, and then you get comfortable. I never understand, and I still dont, cheating in relationships. I mean, if you dont like someone, well...let them go. It hurts less that way. Anyway, this film seems to catch all of that emotion, and sensation of a psudo-fling, that summer relationship that just didnt happen. Then it gets dirty. Although I dont buy into the premise of the film, It looks brilliant! Starring Jude Law, Clive Owen, Natalie Portman and Julia Roberts.

Anyway, im still getting comfortable with this blogging thing. I feel like it should be perfect, but who the hell am I anyway. Not sure where the structure of this blog will take me. Although I can promise to rant in the future.

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