Friday, February 29, 2008

Espresso Conundrum - Volume I

As I began to plan my trip to the puddle in the desert I was well aware that I would require certain luxuries that I have become acustomed to...therefore I hatched a plan. I would mail my worldly goods to myself to allow me to at least have a glimpse into the lifestyle that I was previously acustomed to. Fist and foremost on that list you would think would be clothing, or daily goods...but I say no good sir. I mailed my espresso machine.

After a brief trip to the local Uhaul store to procure some boxes I began the packaging process. I began with a bed of news paper that was well crumpled in order to provide a shell of comfort for said machine. I then packaged the various items that acompanied the machine into the same box so that they would not get seperated. I took into account that the majority of the machine was made of steele, but that there was a water tank made of plastic. I carefully packed it full of crumpled paper and sent my machine on its merry way.

I had been in SLC for 4 days when my machine arrived. Words can explain how excited I was to pick up my machine and set it up at Casa De Lopez. Perhaps more excited was my gracious host to know that he would now have a barista...of some skill....on staff to call on at any time. Now, call a man an asshole who is arrogant enough to demand a fine cup of espresso, but hey...who am I to deny a man the "little things in life."

To my horror, I opened the box, unpacked the entire machine, and realized that the plastic water tank was ....well, it was in a better place.

I can only surmise from this adventure that at the very moment the espresso machine crossed into Utah airspace that the machine began to silmultaniously combust under the shroud of oppression that is SLC.

After some hunting I was able to locate the vendor, and have ordered a new water tank...this time with a warranty!! It should be here any day now, but in the mean time I have found a way to triage the machine and force it into service. Lucky for me...who wants coffee on the way to the office......Bad for the roommate who wants to sleep in. I can only imagine that it must sound like the world record of lugi hacking in the kitchen in the wee hours of the morning.

In any case, the machine is up and running for the moment, with a new tank on the way. Happiness is at an all time high, and increased productivity isn't far behind. Much like economic trends, increased espresso consumption is a leading indicator of increased production. The espresso machine currently makes its home happily on the counter at Casa De Lopez.

Currently Listening to: Feist - Sealion

To do: Visit Caffe D'bolla for an amazing pound of espresso

It has arrived....

The Ethics of Hand Washing...and elevator talk.

First Topic: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

So over dinner the other evening several friends and I were discussing the ethics of hand washing. I made the argument that I wash my hands typically more than five times a day, and without failure after using the restroom. Most importantly.....I use soap. I recently started a new position in Salt Lake City and while finishing my restroom routine...soap on both hands, lather for 30 seconds...wash up to the wrist, rinse..dry..ect... I noticed that there was another gentleman who just finished his plumbing handy craft in stall number two who was making his exit as well. He stepped up to the sink, turned on the water, rinsed..and walked away. No Soap...NO SOAP!! Apparently he believed that the antibacterial powers of soap offer no benefit, but rather that hot water was sufficient. I made a point to note who he was, and to put him on the "don't shake his hand" short list.

The reason that I bring up the timely fact of the conversation over dinner is simply because within out social circle there is someone who possesses magical powers. He can make a bottle of hand soap last months. Now some would say, "this makes sense". Is it possible he is just adding water to dilute the soap? After close review...I Take it for what it is...oh...and wash your hands.

Next topic: Elevator Talk

I have been at my new job with "The Firm" for just over one week, and unlike my last office this building is secure enough to keep the black knight at bay. As an employee of "The Firm" I have a security badge that will allow me to enter the building and exit the elevator at the appropriate floor. While making my journey to my office, I happened to share the lift with one other person. About 30 seconds into the journey, she chose to engage me, her: "Do You Work Here?" me "Yes...and I bet you do as well." At that awkward moment we arrived at my floor and I exited, feeling mentally defeated by our conversation. Now....understandably, elevator rides are always weird, which is why as a society we have arrived at the simple superficial greetings, such as "hey", or asking "How are you?", even though both parties understand that no one cares how you are really doing.

Part of my new blogging experience will be tested here, I will be issuing challenges from time to time. I thoroughly encourage people to add comments to my blog as well as the blogs of others, but just for fun I will also issue a challenge from time to time.

The next time you are on an elevator and someone you don't recognize joins you on your adventure and feels the need to ask you..."How are you doing?", please respond with something totally in appropriate. For example...

"How are you?"

"I just had my toe amputated.".........silence.

The purpose of this response is to make the interaction as awkward as possible, so please indulge me with any phrases you may find particularly amuses me. Also, please leave comments to document this momentous occasion, I look forward to it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

SLC II - The Return of Mikey Mike

Ok, so its true. I have returned, both metaphorically and physically. I have been on a haitus since my last post. I was serving a mission in Washington D.C. I have returned to Salt Lake City and happiness is at an all time high. I have connected with old friends, haunts and the ever outstanding Cafe Rio. I have yet to determine where my blog will go from here, however I believe I will begin by making a brief list of the things I have missed.

Top 5 Things I missed about Salt Lake City

1. Mountains
2. Caffe Dbolla
3. My Friends
4. Cafe Rio
5. The Bayou

I also know that you are asking yourself..."What is Mike listening to these days?"
Here to provide solace to the masses is a brief view of one of my favorite play lists

1. Madina Lake - Here I stand
2. Cute is What We Aim For - Newport Living
3. Blackhawks over LosAngeles - All The Nations
4. Gomez - How We Operate
5. Starsailor - Counterfeit Life
6. Moving Units - The Kids from Orange County
7. Rooney - The Girl Has Love
8. The Decemberists - O Valencia!
9. Mae - Brink of Disaster
10. The Bravery - Tyrant
more to come....